Joe Biden Administration

Court Orders Hunter Biden To Get A Job

Court Orders Hunter Biden To Get A Job

Hunter Biden appeared at a Delaware court today to accept a favorable agreement offered by the Biden Department of Justice regarding his past involvement in criminal drug use, trafficking of prostitutes, and engagement in multi-million dollar pay-for-play and bribery schemes with foreign officials from countries like China, Ukraine, Romania, among

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Why Arabs Do Not Trust The Biden Administration

Arabs do not trust the Biden administration due to its perceived abandonment of traditional Arab allies in the Middle East and President Joe Biden’s perceived hostility towards Saudi Arabia. It is evident that the Saudis feel so offended by President Joe Biden that they are willing to move closer to

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Native Americans Reject Biden’s Lithium Mine.

Daranda Hinkey, who is from the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe and is a leader of a group known as People of Red Mountain, is rejecting and protesting Biden’s lithium mine. Daranda Hinkey, a Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone tribe member, holds a large hand-painted sign that says “No

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Biden Hijacks $6 Billion AIDS Program To Promote Abortion

Republican Congressman Chris Smith (NJ), who is the prime sponsor of the 2018 PEPFAR reauthorization bill, stated that Biden is hijacking a $6 billion AIDS program to promote abortion. The Biden administration is allegedly using a Bush-era program that delivers AIDS relief to Africa, called PEPFAR, to promote its pro-abortion

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Biden Admin Waging ‘Class War’ Against Working Americans

According to US economist and former Wall Street analyst Prof. Michael Hudson, the Biden administration is waging a ‘class war’ against working Americans. He argues that Biden’s economic policies have only served to further enrich financial elites. US President Joe Biden’s economic policies have further enriched financial elites at the

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Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography To Kids

The Department of Education under the Biden Administration is accused of demanding Georgia schools to show pornography to kids and intimidate districts that have successfully purged porn from their campuses. Bureaucrats in President Joe Biden’s Department of Education just put their thumb on the scale of a book dispute in

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John Kerry Wants Farmers To Stop Farming

John Kerry has suggested reducing emissions through reductions in fertiliser usage, land use, and cows, as well as by feeding cows bugs to reduce fertiliser emissions, which is basically the same as stopping farmers from farming. Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, former Senator John Kerry, made a stunning revelation

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