Category: Healthcare

How Gardening Helped Me Quit My Antidepressant

How Gardening Helped Me Quit My Antidepressant

When grocery store shelves began emptying sporadically in 2021, I started to worry in earnest about food security. I had enough land for a large garden, and I figured that 2022 was the perfect time to start producing some of my own food.

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More Than Half Of The World Will Be Obese By 2035

More Than Half Of The World Will Be Obese By 2035

More than half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese by 2035 without significant action, according to a new report.
The World Obesity Federation’s 2023 atlas predicts that 51 per cent of the world, or more than 4 billion people, will be obese or overweight within the

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How Uganda Stopped Ebola So Quickly

According to Dr. Amy Boore, Director of Global Health Protection at the CDC, one of the reasons Uganda stopped Ebola so quickly was due to identifying the species of the virus as the Sudan species.

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