Category: Healthcare

FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces

The FDA has approved Vowst, which is the first oral biologic pill for fecal microbiota containing human feces. Patients needing a fecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infections now have the option of getting stool in pill form. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Vowst,

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Parents More Likely To Question Routine Childhood Vaccinations Post-COVID

According to research commissioned by the federal government and conducted by Ekos Research Associates, parents are more likely to question routine childhood vaccinations post-COVID. Canadian parents have become more likely to question routine childhood vaccinations since the pandemic, according to research. Immunization rates “have declined since COVID-19” according to research

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$16,000 Penis Enlargement Surgery Growing In Popularity

$16,000 Penis Enlargement Surgery Growing In Popularity

Eight years ago, Beverly Hills urologist James Elist invented the Penuma, a new form of cosmetic surgery to enhance men’s penises. For $16,000, Dr. Elist makes an incision just above a patient’s penis and inserts the Penuma, a sheath of silicone, into the shaft, adding anywhere from one to two

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Loneliness As Deadly As Cigarettes

The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday that the U.S. surgeon general stated that loneliness is as deadly as cigarettes and has cost the healthcare industry billions of dollars. Loneliness has caused serious health risks, as nearly half of adults across the nation say they have experienced the feeling, the

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PlayStation Controlled Robot Gives Birth To Babies

A New Hope Fertility Center in New York City has developed a prototype robot that could potentially automate the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process in the future. The robot can be controlled using a PlayStation controller and has successfully helped deliver babies. A team of engineers from Barcelona, Spain has

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