
France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France has emphasized its commitment to upholding five military cooperation pacts with Niger, as these agreements were entered into with the lawful authorities of the West African nation. This stance remains unchanged despite the newly established junta in the former colony urging the revocation of these agreements. “France recalls that

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NATO Warmongers Slowly Admitting Ukraine Can’t Win

NATO Warmongers Slowly Admitting Ukraine Can’t Win

Despite Ukraine continuously launching men and equipment at Russia’s defensive lines, the country has not achieved significant progress. As a result, there seems to be a shift in the Western perspective on the conflict. US media is now recognizing that the Ukraine conflict might not turn out as victorious as

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nato outdated weapons

Is NATO Using Ukraine To Get Rid Of Outdated Weapons?

According to military expert and former high-ranking NATO artillery officer Pierre Henrot, NATO nations have been supplying weapons to Ukraine since the onset of the conflict with Russia. However, a significant portion of these armaments is antiquated and has remained unused for many years. “NATO countries in fact only send

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russia bans sex change

Russia Bans Sex Change In A Big Blow To Western Woke Industry

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill into law that prohibits sex reassignment surgeries. The legislation aims to impose stricter regulations on what lawmakers refer to as the “transgender industry” and effectively bans legal sex changes and medical interventions related to transitioning, unless deemed medically necessary. Under the

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Was Robert Oppenheimer A Russian Spy

Robert Oppenheimer was a brilliant physicist and one of the leading figures in the development of nuclear weapons during World War II. Often referred to as the “father of the atomic bomb,” Oppenheimer’s contributions to science and technology were unprecedented, shaping the course of history and geopolitics. However, beneath the

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The Secret World Of North Korean Defectors

Behind the tales of bravery and the dreams of a better life lies a haunting reality. The journey of North Korean defectors, marked by perilous escapes and courageous aspirations, is far from the end of their struggles. As they step into the embrace of South Korea, a complex web of

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Franco Prussian War - The War That Made The Modern World

Franco Prussian War – The War That Made The Modern World

Franco-Prussian War is widely regarded as a pivotal event in European history, profoundly influencing the balance of power on the continent and reshaping the political landscape of the late 19th century. This intense conflict, which took place from 1870 to 1871, pitted the newly unified German states against the Second

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