Food Security

north korea famine

Severe Food Shortage In North Korea As Famine Worsens

Human rights activists assert that North Korea is currently facing a severe food shortage, leading to widespread starvation and fatalities across the country, including its capital, Pyongyang. Starting in June 2023, the distribution of food rations to military officers, security officers (ordinary police), and security guards (political police) was halted.

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No Farmers No Food No Life

No Farmers, No Food, No Life

Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, with shortages of food and water, stress, anxiety, fear (read below), and dangerous chemical

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Reset The Table Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

‘Reset The Table’: Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

It seems nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately foresee “natural disasters” and foretell coincidental “acts of God.” They know everything before it happens. Perhaps they truly are prophets. Or, perhaps they’re simply describing the inevitable outcomes of their own actions.

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