Category: Financial Intelligence

Chinese Bankers drag Anil Ambani to London Court

Chinese Bankers Drag Anil Ambani To London Court

Three Chinese banks are suing Anil Ambani in a London court for failing to pay back $680 million in defaulted loans. The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China agreed to loan $925.2 million to Anil Ambani’s firm Reliance Communications Ltd.

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India loses $7 Billion WTO case against US

India Loses $7 Billion WTO Case Against US

India has lost a $7 billion WTO case against US.  Meanwhile China has won its case with the WTO now allowing the Chinese to impose a $3.6 billion sanction on American goods. The verdict comes days after India and US officially suspended defense cooperation in what is now giving rise

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India US officially suspends Defense cooperation

India US Officially Suspends Defense Cooperation

In a major development brewing for sometime now, India and US have officially suspended Defense Cooperation after Americans refused to give India high-end jet-engine technology. At the heart of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership is what is known as the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative or DTTI. Under the 2012 DTTI, India

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92000 Crore Telecom Dispute

The 92,000 Crore Telecom Dispute

In the 14-year old 92,000 crore telecom dispute, the Supreme Court has in a major blow ruled in favor of the government stating that India’s telecom operators will have to include non-core revenue to calculate dues it owes to the government, setting their share prices tumbling. This outcome in favour

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How China tookover Indian markets

How China Tookover Indian Markets

Chinese are dominating industries like mobile phones and are about to grab the lion’s share of the television and home appliances industries. China is now emerging as one of the biggest investors in Indian start-ups taking over Indian markets with a storm. How China tookover Indian markets China is increasingly

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Whistleblowers expose Infosys deals

Whistleblowers Expose Infosys Deals

An anonymous group calling itself “ethical employees” has complained to the board of Infosys and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging that the company is taking ‘unethical’ steps to boost short-term revenue and profits. The Whistleblowers exposing large Infosys deals stated that they have emails and voice recordings

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How Russian Mafia plotted to sell Indian Titanium to Boeing

How Russian Mafia Plotted To Sell Indian Titanium To Boeing

In 2014, the American Department of Justice charged six individuals with links to the Russian Mafia including an Indian government official for plotting to sell Indian titanium to Boeing. How Russian Mafia plotted to sell Indian Titanium to Boeing Six foreign nationals, including a Ukrainian businessman and a government official

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India US Trade War

India US Trade War

According to leaked information of a high-level meeting, the United States and India’s failure to reach a long-expected trade deal on Sept. 24 has sparked fears of a full-fledged India US trade war.[toc] Failed Negotiations On Sept. 24, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Indian Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal met

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Motech Software How Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks

Motech Software – How Reliance Stashed Black Money In Swiss Banks

Motech Software – how Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks and later snapped all ties with the shell firm after money laundering probe was initiated. The biggest Indian account holder with nearly USD 500 million in Geneva branch, its website now hosts porn. Coincidentally the same Income Tax Commissioner’s

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Cafe Coffee Day, KKR & CIA

Cafe Coffee Day, KKR & CIA

It has been suggested that Private Equity firm KKR was involved in the circumstances leading to the death of Cafe Coffe Day founder V G Siddhartha. The firm has come under scanner in our research in many aspects of National Security as well. Lesser known is the fact that a

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