Fake News

Helicopter Worth $54,000 Stolen From India 1

Helicopter Worth $54,000 Stolen From India

The Indian Defence Ministry has clarified that the news of a dummy helicopter worth $54,000 installed at Lucknow being stolen is fake. They stated that the DRDO has never installed any helicopter model in Lucknow at any time. On Saturday (May 18), the Indian Defence Ministry stated that claims in

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Did Russia Test Hypersonic Missile Off California Coast 1

Did Russia Test Hypersonic Missile Off California Coast

Two US defense officials have confirmed that the claim of Russia testing a hypersonic missile off the California coast is false and merely propaganda. A lot of people on X have been speculating that there may have been a Russian Navy hypersonic missile test off the coast of Southern California,

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Google Gemini AI Creates Fake Book Reviews To Defend Google 1

Google Gemini AI Creates Fake Book Reviews To Defend Google

Author Peter Hasson, while searching for reviews, discovered that Google’s Gemini AI creates fake book reviews to defend Google. Google Gemini, the tech giant’s new AI chatbot aimed at competing with ChatGPT, generated a series of fabricated reviews—falsely attributing them to actual individuals—to undermine the credibility of Peter Hasson’s 2020

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I’m Not Dead – George Soros

Following rumors of his death due to a heart attack, George Soros announced via his official Twitter account, “I’m not dead.” Billionaire investor and liberal philanthropist George Soros announced on Monday that he is “alive and healthy,” after rumors that he had died of a heart attack spread on social media.  “Rumors

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