Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

Actors Who Got Fired For Saying No To Vaccine

The COVID-19 pandemic was a difficult time for everyone. Businesses shut down, jobs were lost and even Hollywood was left scrambling as major productions were shut down or delayed until further notice. Eventually, a vaccine was introduced that was designed to combat the virus, but this new development seemed to only make matters worse. Particularly around Tinseltown.

Top Secret Meetings? A Deep Dive Into Anthony Fauci’s Calendar

Top Secret Meetings A Deep Dive Into Anthony Fauci's Calendar

On Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 9am, Dr. Anthony Fauci joined staff at the National Security Council (NSC) — the President’s national security and foreign policy advisory shop — for a meeting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building about the novel coronavirus. Fauci would continue to have meetings in classified settings throughout the month.

Medical Board Moves To Strip Dr. Peter McCullough Of Certifications

Medical Board Moves To Strip Dr. Peter McCullough Of Certifications

According to the American Board of Internal Medicine, the remarks made by Dr. Peter McCullough may breach the board’s guideline on false or incorrect medical information. Now, the very same medical board is moving to strip Dr. Peter McCullough of his certifications.