A new comprehensive report, which can be seen as the UN Education Agency launching a War On Truth, was released on the topic for educators this summer.
Although Zuckerberg expressed remorse for burying a rumor that later proved to be accurate, he finally admitted to Joe Rogan that Facebook censored the Hunter laptop story after an FBI request.
Nearly a year ago, former New York Times Journalist Alex Berenson was permanently banned from Twitter for writing the following lines about the Covid shot: “It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it - at best - as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS. And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”
Author and 'Disinformation Fellow,' Nina Jankowicz, was chosen to lead the DGB upon proposal. But leaked documents have exposed US ‘Ministry of Truth’ for what it actually was.
Yoel Roth was chastised earlier this year for alluding to Trump administration as "actual Nazis" in a tweet from 2017. With such a background, to no one's surprise, Twitter’s new crisis manager Yoel Roth is also the one who blocked Hunter Biden story.
Musk has promised to reestablish free speech on Twitter, which has blacklisted prominent speakers. But the US government has other plans as Biden unveils disinformation governance board one day after Elon Musk buys Twitter.
Outside content has been blocked on TikTok, effectively creating an alternate universe just for Russia free of non-Russian content.
In the past five years, a cadre of fact-checkers has marched through the institutions of journalism and installed itself in the U.S. media as a privatized, quasi-governmental regulatory agency. What’s wrong with facts, you say? Fueled by a panic over misinformation, the fact-checking industry is shifting the media’s primary obligation away from pursuing the truth and toward upholding vague notions of public safety, which it gets to define. In the course of this transformation, journalists are being turned into rent-a-cops whose job is to enforce an official consensus that is treated as a civic good by those who benefit from—and pay for—its protection.