
List Of Countries Where Recreational Cannabis Is Legal 1

List Of Countries Where Recreational Cannabis Is Legal

Based on data from Wikipedia, below is a list of countries where recreational cannabis is legal, with only nine nations having made the recreational use of cannabis lawful on a national level. After Malta and Luxembourg, Germany became the third nation in the European Union to legalize cannabis for personal

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Argentina To Mine Bitcoin With Natural Gas 1

Argentina To Mine Bitcoin With Natural Gas

Argentina’s YPF Luz collaborates with Genesis Digital Assets to mine Bitcoin using natural gas from oil fields, turning stranded energy into a resource. Bitcoin is becoming more and more popular in Argentina’s energy sector. This is the case with a state-owned facility that uses natural gas that has been stranded

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UK To Ban Foreign Entities From Owning Newspapers And Magazines 1

UK To Ban Foreign Entities From Owning Newspapers And Magazines

After an attempt by Redbird IMI, owned by Emirati Vice President Sheikh Mansour, to acquire The Telegraph newspaper and The Spectator magazine, the UK has decided to ban foreign entities from owning newspapers and magazines. The United Kingdom said on Wednesday that foreign governments would not be allowed to acquire

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Deep State Fears Trump Would Withdraw US From NATO

James G. Stavridis, a former NATO supreme allied commander, said that the deep state fears Trump will withdraw the US from NATO, which would be an enormous strategic and historic failure on the part of the nation. The New York Times, which is typically seen as a megaphone for US

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Russia Bans LGBT Movement

According to RIA Novosti, which cited the Supreme Court’s press service, proceedings took place behind closed doors and ended in Russia banning the LGBT movement due to social and religious discord. On Thursday, the Russian Supreme Court declared the “international LGBT public movement” to be extreme and banned it. The

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Dementia Among US Officials Pose A Grave Threat To The World

According to a study released in April by the RAND Corporation’s National Security Research Division, dementia among U.S. officials poses a grave threat to the world. According to a groundbreaking study by a think tank funded by the Pentagon, dementia affecting American officials as the national security workforce ages poses

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Japan’s Prime Minister Eats Radioactive Fish From Fukushima Waters

Economic and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told the press that in order to inform people both at home and abroad about the food’s safety, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida ate radioactive fish from Fukushima waters. Fumio Kishida, the prime minister of Japan, ate fish from the waters off Fukushima with

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