Australia is launching a huge $60 million project to fight feral cats, which are threatening many of the country’s unique animals. Here’s why this matters and how the money will be used:
Why Are Feral Cats a Problem?
Feral cats have been in Australia since 1788, and they’ve caused a lot of trouble. They’ve helped wipe out 27 species, including small native animals like rodents and marsupials. Today, they’re still a big threat to over 200 species. Each year, feral cats kill around 2.6 billion mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
What’s the Government Doing?
The Australian government, led by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, is taking strong action. They’re calling this their “war” against feral cats. The goal is to stop these predators from pushing more native species to extinction.
Where Will the Money Go?
The $60 million will be spent in 55 places across Australia, including the Tiwi Islands, Christmas Island, and Naree Station Reserve in New South Wales. ...