Hamilton 68 The New King Of Media Fraud

Hamilton 68 – The New King Of Media Fraud

Ambitious media frauds Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair crippled the reputations of the New Republic and New York Times, respectively, by slipping years of invented news stories into their pages. Thanks to the Twitter Files, we can welcome a new member to their infamous club: Hamilton 68.

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The Alternative To World Economic Forum

Jordan Peterson made an announcement about his alternative to the World Economic Forum while participating in Joe Rogan’s podcast with a consortium being held in London this October and into November.

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Are Record Corporate Profits Driving Inflation?

Some people attribute the record corporate profits to driving inflation, while others cast doubt on that theory since they believe it is unlikely that a significant change in corporate concentration occurred during the pandemic over the course of just a few years.

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Digital Humans Could Replace Supermodels

Digital Humans Could Replace Supermodels

Deep fakes of lifelike computer-generated faces have been around for a while, but they typically only existed as two-dimensional, flat images. Now, it has gotten to the point that digital humans could replace supermodels.

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