Meet Academic Disinfo Queen Claire Wardle

Claire Wardle is the academic disinformation queen who’s a part of Brown University and has also been chosen to brief CISA’s advisory committee, which is allegedly doing federal censorship of Americans. The Washington Post defended campus researchers collaborating with federal agencies to censor Americans in an awkward, bumbling article last

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A Quiet Revolution Is Unfolding Against ‘Woke’ Corporate America

Scott Shepard, a Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) and director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, says that a quiet revolution is unfolding against ‘woke’ corporate America. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink attends a session at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos on

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Misinformation Is A Word We Use To Shut You Up

According to an article published in Browstone by Daniel Klein, the author states that “Misinformation Is A Word We Use To Shut You Up.” Abstract  The policing of “information” is the stuff of Naziism, Stalinism, Maoism, and similar anti-liberal regimes. To repress criticism of their dicta and diktats, anti-liberals label

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Bill Gates Enters The Food Business

Bill Gates has entered the food business as the Organic Consumers Association (OGA) reports that the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) has given Apeel’s Organipeel the green light. The global elite, imperiously ecstatic about their oppressive reign over humanity during the COVID-19 pandemic, will not leave the world stage quietly.

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BLM President Charged With Hate Crime In Canada

Adora Nwofor, the President of BLM, has been charged with a hate crime in Canada for interfering with people’s use of St. Thomas Aquinas School on 26 Avenue S.W. The charge states that the interference was motivated by bias, prejudice, or hate based on race or ethnic origin. Adora Nwofor

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COVID Patient Zero Were Three Scientists At Wuhan Lab

According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, it was revealed that three scientists at the Wuhan lab, including Ben Hu, were identified as Covid patient zero. Ben Hu, one of threee “patients zero,” and a researcher who led the Wuhan

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Climate Lockdowns Are Coming

In a tweet, Brexit leader Nigel Farage warned his supporters that authoritarian measures by Western governments under the guise of climate lockdowns are coming. Brexit leader Nigel Farage has foretold of impending, authoritarian measures by Western governments designed to limit people’s movements and vehicle usage under the guise of “climate change” action.

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