What Hobbies Don’t Require You To Be Vaccinated?

A hobby is simply an enjoyable activity which an individual carries out regularly during their leisure time for pleasure. It can be either activity done in person or in a group, it can be a sport, or just simply enjoying your favourite computer games. With the nature and mode of transmission of the novel Coronavirus, the government and cogent health organizations deemed large gathering and congestion as a fast and potent way of transmission of the virus. This inevitably led to the restriction and/or closure of recreation centers where hobbies could be enjoyed. In efforts to reduce the spread of the virus and possible immunity to it, vaccines have been developed and mandated in some territories to help flatten the curve. Even before the outbreak of the popular Covid19, vaccines were being given for other diseases such as Polio, smallpox, meningitis e.t.c. in order to help the individual combat the disease when infected. As it is a general fact that not everybody will believe in a particular process, some people do not believe in taking vaccines, especially the Covid19 vaccine for reasons best known to them. Some people have been forced or compiled to take the vaccine due to the nature of their work or profession. If you are eager to know some hobbies that do not need you to get vaccinated, further you will read more about the best of them.

Entertainment Hobby

An individual who wishes to entertain people can do that even without going out to where a large number of people are present thereby making it unnecessary for taking the covid vaccine. Some entertainment hobbies include

  • Singing. Either from the comfort of a bedroom or just within friends, singing is a hobby that can be enjoyed without the need of gathering and hence does not mandate getting vaccinated. Furthermore, the advent of social media apps like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and the likes ensures that one can entertain a large audience without the need for large gatherings. 
  • Dancing. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, dancing has been one of the major ways people entertain themselves and this has given rise to various dance challenges on various social media, particularly on Instagram. A common example of this dance challenge was the waist bead twerking challenge which a lot of people participated in even without leaving their houses 
  • Skit making. Unsurprising, skit makes the list because the number of skit makers has gone up greatly since the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic. Skits that happen to be short plays have been used to entertain and make people laugh

Crafting Hobby

This happens to be the art of making things with your hands. It involves critical thinking and also needs full concentration. In craft, some are naturally talented while some are trying to build themselves in that particular craft. Some craftworks which do not require you to get vaccinated are;

  • Bead making. Without any doubt, bead making is making waves currently because of the way in which people appreciate things made with beads. Unsurprisingly in recent years, there has been an increase in the demand for bead materials particularly because of waist beads, hand beads, and neck beads which people love using. Bead makers can easily make their various designs from the comfort of their home and advertise them on social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook e.t.c. and as such do not need them going to a highly populated environment which will make it mandatory for them to be vaccinated.
  • Cloth sewing. Funny enough, nearly all females started developing an interest in cloth sewing during the outbreak of coronavirus. This kept a lot of people in their houses or shops and hence does not make it mandatory for them to get vaccinated.
  • Furniture making. This involves using mostly woods to make different things such as chairs, beds, tables etc.

Reading and Writing

This is a very interesting and special hobby that can be carried out indoors even right on your bed. Reading and writing most times go hand in hand because of the correlation between them. Reading happens to be the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them, while writing happens to be the art of using text and the alphabet to pass information, instruction, emotions, feelings, and beliefs to a particular set. There are various things which a reader can read e.g. storybooks, textbooks, magazines, journals e.t.c. There are also wide ranges in which a writer can write about e.g poems, stories, songs e.t.c. In this 21st century, reading and writing have been made easier because of technology. A reader can have access to various materials right from their doorsteps due to the presence of the internet. Also, a writer can forward their write-up to any part of the world even without leaving their house and as such taking the Covid19 vaccine is not a must.

Games and Sports

Game basically is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chances in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle. Majorly, games and sport is grouped into indoor and outdoor activities.

Indoor games and sports are a variety of structured games or competitive physical exercises, typically carried out either at home, in a well-sheltered building, or in a specially constructed sports venue. Common examples of indoor games and sports include card games, board games, tabletop games, video games, etc.

Types of indoor games and sportsDescriptionExample
Card gamesThese involve using playing cards as the primary device with which the game is playedPoker, blackjack, baccarat e.t.c
Board gamesThese involve the movement of counters or other objects around a boardMonopoly, chess, draft e.t.c.
Tabletop gamesThese are games played on a large flat table.Snooker, pool, billiards e.t.c.
Video gamesIt’s an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input deviceFIFA, call of duty e.t.c

Outdoor games and sports are games or sports that are not necessarily done within an enclosed building. Some notable examples of outdoor games include

  • Cycling: It involves a lot of recreational activities ranging from touring and sightseeing to BMX racing on purpose-built tracks.
  • Horse riding: This is an exciting outdoor activity you can engage in with loved ones.
  • Shooting and archery: This sport is a very wide concept as it involves game shooting using rifles, crossbows, longbows, and spears.
  • Golf: It involves all the elements required of an outdoor sports activity as it provides exercise, skills to master, the enjoyment of being outside in beautiful scenery along with people of like mind
  • Walking and jogging:  Walking which is an act of exercising the physical body and it involves moving from one place to another with your leg. Jogging, which happens to be an act of running at a slow pace, has become more rampant among people who are trying to keep fit. Walking and jogging do not require a large number of people and as such, vaccination is not a must.


This kind of activity has its own special popularity. Before the quarantine, visiting land-based casinos from time to time was one of the favourite hobbies of people all over the world but after the disease appeared online gambling gained its popularity. Nowadays people appreciate all the advantages of being involved in the gambling world still staying home. Besides the possibility to have fun, some players find their new way of income, but every player can choose to play for free as well. For example, on the website https://www.slotozilla.com/free-spins, it is possible to find a huge collection of slots, which are possible to be played with no need to pay for it. The games usually have lucrative bonuses, cool graphics, amazing sound effects and many other interesting features. However, every gambler finds its own benefits and advantages of playing online.


The outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic without any doubt has adversely affected the activities and the way of life of people all over the world. In fighting this pandemic, various vaccines have been developed but some of the vaccines have negative effects which make people scared of taking them. It is important to also know that even without vaccination, you can still continue with some of the things you enjoy doing the most so far it’s in line with the precaution to be taken against covid.

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