
List Of Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas 1

List Of Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas

According to data compiled by CNBC from various international visa schemes, countries offering digital nomad visas are listed here, with the longest-lasting visas available in Mexico and El Salvador. A digital nomad visa enables people to live and work remotely for a prolonged amount of time—typically six months to a

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Visa-Free Travel Agreement Likely Between Russia And India By 2024-End 1

Visa-Free Travel Agreement Likely Between Russia And India By 2024-End

According to Nikita Kondratyev, head of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects at the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, a visa-free travel agreement between Russia and India is likely by the end of 2024. According to a Russian minister, talks on a bilateral agreement to facilitate travel

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