What 10 American Cities Will Look Like In 2050, Predicted By AI enlisted the image-generator AI, Midjourney, to predict what 10 American cities will look like in 2050. The AI produced a series of images showcasing a promising and vibrant future. According to AI, the future is bright. asked the image-generator Midjourney to imagine what 10 American cities will look like

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Sexual Harassment Suit Filed Against Rudy Giuliani

Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani has been hit with a sexual harassment suit filed by a former associate named Noelle Dunphy. A former associate is suing Rudy Giuliani for sexual assault and harassment, wage theft, and other misconduct, accusing the former mayor and Trump lawyer of making

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Biggest Startup Bankruptcies Of All Time

According to data provided by PitchBook, here is a list of the biggest startup bankruptcies of all time. Vice Media has filed for bankruptcy, despite having raised over $1.6 billion from venture capitalists. The big picture: Vice now joins an ignominious club of well-funded flameouts. What follows are companies (excluding ones from China) that

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Biden Family Whistleblower Goes Missing

Congressman Mike Turner, who represents Ohio in the House of Representatives, has accused senior U.S. intelligence officials of abusing their power as a Biden family whistleblower goes missing. A Republican lawmaker has accused senior U.S. intelligence officials of abusing their power to quash stories about the disgraced first son’s laptop. Congressman Mike

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The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History Is Here

Douglas Boneparth, a 38-year-old financial adviser from New York, stated that the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History is no longer an impending phenomenon; it is now a present reality. An intergenerational transfer of wealth is in motion in America — and it will dwarf any of the past. Of the

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Is The Next Commodity Super-Cycle Right Around The Corner?

Data from Incrementum AG and Crescat Capital LLC show the relationship between commodities and U.S. equities, and the next commodity super-cycle might be right around the corner. In recent years, commodity prices have reached a 50-year low relative to overall equity markets (S&P 500). Historically, lows in the ratio of

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