Satellite Image Reveals Supersonic Drone At Chinese Military Base

Defense News reported that a satellite image reveals a supersonic drone, which appears to be a WZ-8 supersonic reconnaissance drone, at a Chinese military base. There are increasing fears that China may invade Taiwan in the next several years. An image captured by a satellite and obtained by Defense News reveals what

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Trump’s 2025 Vision, Revealed

Trump’s 2025 Vision was revealed to pardon nearly all of the convicted Jan. 6 rioters (numbering around 500) and to immediately broker an end to the war in Ukraine. Former President Trump’s second-term governing plans are coming into clearer focus, as he lays out a vision for a dramatic expansion of federal

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Chinese Citizens Sue Florida

Chinese citizens, represented by the Florida branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), are suing Florida over a new law that prohibits people from China and other “countries of concern” from owning land. A group of Chinese citizens residing in Florida have sued the state government to contest a

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Can Ukraine Win The War With F-16s

On Saturday, Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yury Ignat claimed that Ukraine won the war with F-16s. US Air Force chief Frank Kendall has poured cold water on claims that F-16s will have a significant impact in helping Ukraine defeat Russian forces, conceding that the American-made fighter jets won’t be a “game-changer” for

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If US Defaults On Its Debt, What Happens To World Economy

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said that if the US defaults on its debt, no corner of the global economy will be spared. If the debt crisis roiling Washington were eventually to send the United States crashing into recession, America’s economy would hardly sink alone. The repercussions of

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