
Why Putin-Modi Bear Hug Is A Bitter Pill For Washington To Swallow 1

Why Putin-Modi Bear Hug Is A Bitter Pill For Washington To Swallow

Bloomberg today highlighted its concerns about the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Moscow. The article begins with, “For Washington, isolating Vladimir Putin just keeps getting harder.” India’s close ties with Russia are a “bitter pill for Washington to swallow.” The U.S. has invested significant effort to bring India closer, aiming

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Canada Set To Dominate Global Uranium Market 1

Canada Set To Dominate Global Uranium Market

According to the World Nuclear Association, Canada is expected to surpass Kazakhstan as the world’s greatest producer of uranium and dominate the global uranium market as additional mines come online in the next years. For many years, Canada was the world’s leading producer of uranium, but in 2009, Kazakhstan overthrew

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How Much Does The US Depend On Russian Uranium? 1

How Much Does The US Depend On Russian Uranium?

Statistics from the US Energy Information Administration have revealed how much the US depends on Russian uranium, with it accounting for nearly 25%. A restriction on the importation of Russian uranium was just passed by the US House of Representatives. Before becoming law, the bill needs to pass the Senate.

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Global Uranium Reserves By Country 1

Global Uranium Reserves By Country

According to data from the World Nuclear Association, the global uranium reserves by country have been revealed, with Australia topping the list. Because of its vital role in producing nuclear energy and all the associated costs and repercussions, there is a tendency to think that uranium reserves are rare. However,

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Fallout From Depleted Uranium Explosion In Ukraine Reaches England

A recent study has revealed that the fallout from the depleted uranium explosion in Ukraine reached England with a rise of approximately 600 ng/cubic meter in uranium levels in the air in southeast England due to particles released from the Khmelnitsky explosion. On May 19th, an article was written about

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White House Set To Approve Depleted Uranium Munitions For Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal reports that the White House is set to approve depleted uranium munitions for Ukraine. The Biden administration is set to transfer depleted uranium shells to Ukraine for the first time since the Russian invasion began The Wall Street Journal reports Tuesday. Internal administration debate over the controversial munitions has been ongoing

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