Pulwama attack

Kashmir Politician Arrested For Supplying Weapons To Terrorists

Kashmir Politician Arrested For Supplying Weapons To Terrorists

A former politician from Kashmir has been arrested for supplying weapons to terrorists by India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA). The arrest was made as part of an investigation into Davinder Singh a senior J&K police officer arrested in January while transporting top militants of the terrorist group Hizbul Mujahideen. [toc]

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Pulwama Attack 2019

12 Unanswered Questions On Pulwama Attack 2019

Based on our extensive analysis of the Pulwama attack below are just 12 critical questions that still remain unanswered. A yr after Pulwama,12 critical questions that cast doubt on the official version of the attack remain unanswered. This is even more important in light of the blue eyed boy of

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Satellite Analysis Balakot Airstrike

Balakot Airstrike – Forensic Satellite Imagery Analysis

As a retaliation against Pulwama attack (refer to GreatGameIndia wiki on Pulwama Attack), Indian fighter jets carried out strikes against targets inside undisputed Pakistani territory, but open-source evidence suggested that the strike was unsuccessful. At around 3:30 a.m. local time on February 26, a flight of 12 Mirage 2000 multi-role fighters reportedly attacked

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Pulwama Attack 2019

Pulwama Attack 2019 Wiki

On the afternoon of 14th February, 2019 a convoy of vehicles along the Jammu Srinagar National Highway carrying Central Reserve Police Force was targeted by terrorists with a car bomb at Awantipora in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. Responsibility of the Pulwama attack was attributed to Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad.

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