New Delhi

India Is Building A $3.7 Billion Border Wall With Myanmar 1

India Is Building A $3.7 Billion Border Wall With Myanmar

A recent report has revealed that India is constructing a $3.7 billion border wall with Myanmar, citing national security concerns and the need to preserve the demographic composition of its northeastern region. According to a report by The Economic Times, India intends to fence its 1,610-kilometer (1,000-mile) border with Myanmar

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Israel Warns Its Citizens In India After Blast Near Embassy

Israel’s National Security Headquarters has warned its citizens in India after the blast near the embassy to avoid crowded places, including markets and malls. Following an explosion near its embassy in New Delhi on Tuesday night, Israel has advised its residents living in India to exercise “heightened alert in public

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Conspiracy to smuggle NPR biometric data to Taiwan

The Hidden Hand Behind National Population Register

Documents in possession of GreatGameIndia reveal an insidious conspiracy to smuggle biometric and demographic data of Indians collected during a Pilot Project initiated under National Population Register to Taiwan. Such sensitive data in the wrong hands in a foreign country could not just result in identity theft but pose a

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Ramparts Scandal - CIA Spies at Indian Universities

Ramparts Scandal – CIA Spies At Indian Universities

In February 1967, senior officials from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were horrified when the American west-coast magazine, Ramparts, exposed the US intelligence organisation’s longstanding financial relationships with a number of international educational and cultural bodies. In a series of damning articles, reproduced in The New York Times and The

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USAID Monsanto & Delhi's Air Pollution

USAID, Monsanto & Delhi Air Pollution

From The Sunday Guardian: The Delhi metropolitan area has one of the world’s highest concentrations of population, and suffocating people here on an annual basis should be treated as a crime against humanity, especially when it can be controlled. Arvind Kumar writes on the connection between USAID, Monsanto and Delhi’s

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India US officially suspends Defense cooperation

India US Officially Suspends Defense Cooperation

In a major development brewing for sometime now, India and US have officially suspended Defense Cooperation after Americans refused to give India high-end jet-engine technology. At the heart of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership is what is known as the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative or DTTI. Under the 2012 DTTI, India

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Ukraine India Antonov Aircraft Scandal

The Ukraine India Antonov Aircraft Scandal

The Ukraine India Antonov Aircraft scandal is a controversy surrounding the mysterious landing of the aircraft in Jaipur enroute from Karachi. Further, there have been a spate of crashes of Antonov AN-32 aircraft in the past 2 years which have led to the deaths of 55 brave personnel of our

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Embassy Espionage: Top Secret NSA Spy Hub In New Delhi

The National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States had plans to install a super spy software named APPARITION in New Delhi, a recent ‘top secret’-marked NSA document leaked by CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden has revealed. SCS stands for Special Collection Service (SCS), is a highly classified joint CIA–NSA

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