Israeli Intelligence

Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Secret services and militaries have become involved in operations related to the coronavirus pandemic as masks and other essential products become issues of national security amid the rapidly worsening outbreak. Sources have informed GreatGameIndia that a worldwide intelligence war is being waged for Coronavirus related medical supplies. The media has

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Kurds & Kurdistan - A Geopolitical Perspective

Kurds & Kurdistan – A Geopolitical Perspective

Who are the Kurds? Why should the overthrow of the Syrian government be their objective? Are they on a quest for Kurdistan or are they just pawns in the game of geopolitical players? What are the implications of the Turkish Operation Peace Spring for India? Historical accounts of the Kurds

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Tata Corus Deal – Uncovering The Mystery Of The White Knight

Following the 2008 Financial Crisis notable financial institutions worldwide were severely hit. Many had to be taken over or merged with another financial institution, others nationalized by a government or central bank rest declared insolvent or liquidated. The only problem was there wasn’t enough liquidity in the markets. The not

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Is SIMI Infiltrated By Foreign Spies?

In 2012, an Israeli Chabad couple suspected to be working for Mossad were expelled from India for spying. The duo, suspected of Mossad membership, was seen as suspicious for holding late-night meetings and renting a house at far above market value. The married couple were suspected of being Israeli agents

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Plot To Overthrow Bangladeshi Government Uncovered

For years there have been whispers of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party’s foreign connections. Its closeness to Pakistan and especially with Islamabad’s notorious ISI has been a subject of endless discussions. Now into the picture comes Israel’s dreaded Mossad and its alleged linking up with the BNP. It was Shahriar Alam,

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26/11 – What Really Happened At Nariman Chabad House

The 26/11 Mumbai Attacks of 2008 were as we have reported earlier a sequel to Spanish Train Bombings of 2004 which were coordinated with a high degree of sophistication. However, during the Mumbai Attacks there were 2 parallel and distinct operations that were carried out. The attack on Taj, Oberoi, Trident, Leopold and Nariman

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