Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean Has Suddenly Become Indo-Pacific 1

Indian Ocean Has Suddenly Become Indo-Pacific

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, during a video speech at a roundtable discussion on the “Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean Outlook,” organized by the Geopolitical Cartographer, stated that the Indian Ocean has suddenly become the Indo-Pacific. Prior to traveling to India to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inauguration, President

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Drone Attack Targets Israeli Ship In Indian Ocean

According to an unnamed US defense officer who spoke to AP, drone attacks target Israeli ships in the Indian Ocean. On November 25, what Washington described as an Iranian drone attack targeted an Israeli-owned ship that was cruising the Indian Ocean. According to an unnamed US defense officer who spoke

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How US Special Forces Are Colonizing Africa

How US Special Forces Are Colonizing Africa

There are more than 6,000 US Special Forces commandos actively operating in 22 African countries. None among the general public has ever known the purpose for the presence of massive US military in Africa, especially commandos. This has led many experts to question if the US Special Forces are indeed

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