House of Rothschild

How IT Boom Made Bangalore Unlivable

New research shows the dark side of the IT Boom, how lakes and trees have disappeared and how IT boom made Bangalore unlivable. A recent study by T V Ramachandra of the Centre for Ecological Sciences titled Insights to Urban Dynamics through Landscape Spatial Pattern Analysis says urbanization has reduced

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Vijay Mallya

Vijay Mallya And The Sanctuary Of Oligarchs

Vijay Mallya How was Vijay Mallya allowed to leave India? How does a business baron who owes banks thousands of crores of rupees get to leave the country as a defaulter in spite of court proceedings under way; a consortium of 17 banks asking for his passport to be impounded,

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FDI Series Part II: Evolution Of Western FDI In Retail

In the first part of this FDI Series we saw how after the collapse of the US economy in 2008, the Dubai Economic Miracle experiment was hatched to get rid of the Dubai FLU via Foreign Direct Investment in India routed through the tax-havens; whereby the Nathan Mayer Rothschild Group

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Charlie Hebdo, The House Of Rothschild & India’s Independence

Thursday, 7th January 2016 marked the one year anniversary of the attacks on French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. For the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, the magazine launched a special edition with a rather symbolic cover. It depicts a terrorist, wearing a bloody robe with a Kalashnikov

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MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

Two-and-a-half years after the completion of a new $17 million terminal building, the airport in Jaisalmer, a small and remote desert city in Rajasthan, stands empty. As reported not a single passenger has passed through the gates of an airport big enough to handle more than 300,000 travellers a year,

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East India Company – Part I Noble Motives

In the year 1600 East India Company was formed and given exclusive right to trade with India and South East Asia by the British Monarchy under the concept of Free Trade and Globalization. It was also given the right to civilize India. In the year 1965 the Club of Rome

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HSBC Bank : Secret Origins To 26/11 Mumbai Attacks

HSBC Bank Tracking the East India Company origins of HSBC Bank to the role of Secret Societies, opium smuggling and funding terrorist attacks. Contents: Swiss Leaks HSBC Bank’s East India Company Origins Role of Secret Societies Afghan Opium for Bankers and Terrorists HSBC Bank & 26/11 Mumbai Attacks 1 Swiss

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