
French Intelligence Warned Of Virus Leak From Wuhan Lab

French Intelligence Warned Of Virus Leak From Wuhan Lab

Eleven years before the joint construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, French intelligence services warned Paris that China’s reputation for poor bio-security could lead to a ‘catastrophic leak.’ The latest development confirms what GreatGameIndia already reported way back in February in COVID-19 Files regarding how the Sino-French collaboration played

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Nobel Prize Winner French Virologist Confirm COVID-19 HIV Study

Nobel Prize Winner French Virologist Confirm COVID-19 HIV Study

In a major development Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winning French virologist has confirmed the study conducted by Indian scientists concluding that COVID-19 was engineered with HIV (AIDS) like insertions. Readers of GreatGameIndia would remember that after we published the results of the study, it attracted heavy criticism from social

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Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Secret services and militaries have become involved in operations related to the coronavirus pandemic as masks and other essential products become issues of national security amid the rapidly worsening outbreak. Sources have informed GreatGameIndia that a worldwide intelligence war is being waged for Coronavirus related medical supplies. The media has

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