The Great Indian Religion Debate

The Great Indian Religion Debate

From the power corridors of governance to sprawling airports to packed trains to crowded bus stops to late-afternoon village gatherings to cocktail parties to noisy multiplexes to glass offices to chaotic stock markets to roadside juice centres to shopping malls to regressive sweatshops to dirty jails to cacophonic newsrooms to

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RCEP Agreement Threat to India's Seed Sovereignty

RCEP Agreement – Threat To India’s Seed Sovereignty

We are opening the doors that guard our farmers’ agricultural produce against exploitation. The RCEP agreement, if implemented, will bypass the WTO and offload all the excess agricultural produce from China into the Indian markets freely. Shifting our balance of payment and food sovereignty into the hands of China will

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India US Trade War

India US Trade War

According to leaked information of a high-level meeting, the United States and India’s failure to reach a long-expected trade deal on Sept. 24 has sparked fears of a full-fledged India US trade war.[toc] Failed Negotiations On Sept. 24, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Indian Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal met

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Return of East India Company

From Andhra To Kashmir – Return Of East India Company

In the late 90s secret meetings took place in London where the blueprint for the ‘development’ of an entire Indian state was envisioned. Called Vision 2020, the scheme was the brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military – McKinsey. It was supposed to be a role

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Round Tripping

Demonetization: Economists Or Fraudsters? S09

At least now, post demonetization, do we have any fresh estimates of the Black Money in the country, or its rate of generation? This would have been a very interesting study to do. Why haven’t we seen it done? Around 1986 two professors, four readers and a few other management

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Round Tripping

Round Tripping Black Money As FDI -India’s Biggest Scam

One of the leading puzzles related to cross border flow of investment is the phenomenon of ‘Round Tripping’. Here, money from a country (eg. India) flows to a foreign country (Mauritius) and comes back as foreign direct investment to India. We were told that demonetization would combat the black economy

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