
Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year Petrodollar Deal With US 1

Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year Petrodollar Deal With US

Saudi Arabia’s termination of its 80-year petrodollar deal on June 9, 2024, may reshape global oil markets, as it considers selling oil in currencies like the Chinese yuan, impacting US economic dominance. According to media sources, Saudi Arabia has chosen not to extend its 80-year petrodollar agreement with the United

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Netherlands, Germany, Poland Ink Deal To Create Military Corridor 1

Netherlands, Germany, Poland Ink Deal To Create Military Corridor

A report indicates that the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland have signed a deal to create a military corridor. Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollong confirmed this in a recent post. According to Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollong, a declaration on the establishment of a military corridor for the transfer of military

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Is Trump Planning To Withdraw US From NATO

According to a Rolling Stone magazine article, Trump is planning to withdraw the US from NATO once he wins the 2024 election, but he might not follow through on that desire. If he wins the 2024 election, former US President Donald Trump has talked of leaving NATO or drastically reducing

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Battle Of Lepanto – The Holy League & The Takeover Of Europe

On October 7, 1571, the Ottoman Empire and a Christian alliance known as The Holy League engaged in battle at Lepanto. Before the advent of the age of sail, it was the final significant battle between navies employing oar-powered ships. It is significant because it demonstrated to Europe that the

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US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe’s ‘Big Israel’

Journalist Max Blumenthal said that the main US defense companies and their auxiliary organizations plan to make Ukraine into Europe’s ‘Big Israel. The late South Dakota senator George McGovern famously declared during a speech against the Vietnam War that “this chamber reeks of blood.” In his opening remarks at the

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