Fight For Turkey – The Gateway To India

Coup In The Mad Sultan’s Palace An article published in March on the American Enterprise Institute’s website titled Could there be a coup in Turkey?, considered the possibility of a military coup transpiring in Turkey. Its author, David Rubin, explains Turkey’s predicament: The situation in Turkey is bad and getting

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Donald Trump, Russian Mafia & US Intelligence Secrets

Donald Trump, will soon be entitled to regular briefings on some of the United States’ most sensitive intelligence secrets. Once Trump, becomes the Republican nominee for the White House in July, he’ll be entitled to updates based on the President’s Daily Brief, a compilation of top-level classified intelligence about global

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Quarterly Geopolitical Analysis Jan-Mar 2016

In the last two months two seemingly innocent and unnoticed events happened within the borders of the subcontinent with far reaching political and geopolitical implications. The first of the two events was the acceptance for first time by the Prime Minister of India regarding the Russian captivity of Subhash Chandra

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MI6 ISIS Rat Line & The Threat To India

The prosecution of a Swedish national accused of terrorist activities in Syria has collapsed at the Old Bailey after it became clear Britain’s security and intelligence agencies would have been deeply embarrassed had a trial gone ahead, the Guardian reported. Bherlin Gildo was due to stand trial at London’s Old

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CIA Used Macau Casino To Trap Chinese Bureaucrats

A discreet consulting exercise in Macao, Hong Kong and Beijing by a private investigator in 2010 uncovered that US intelligence may have used Macau casinos owned by an American tycoon to set a trap for Chinese functionaries who gamble with public money, in order to blackmail and recruit them. This

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How Washington Post Protect CIA Secrets

Journalism has entered highly dangerous terrain. A tip-off is that the Washington Post refuses to face up to a conflict of interest involving Jeff Bezos — who’s now the sole owner of the powerful newspaper at the same time he remains Amazon‘s CEO and main stakeholder. This is how Washington

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