
French Intelligence Warned Of Virus Leak From Wuhan Lab

French Intelligence Warned Of Virus Leak From Wuhan Lab

Eleven years before the joint construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, French intelligence services warned Paris that China’s reputation for poor bio-security could lead to a ‘catastrophic leak.’ The latest development confirms what GreatGameIndia already reported way back in February in COVID-19 Files regarding how the Sino-French collaboration played

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Chinese Ambassador To Israel Du Wei Assassinated In Tel Aviv

Chinese Ambassador To Israel Du Wei Assassinated In Tel Aviv

Du Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Israel has been assassinated in Tel Aviv. He was found dead in his residence by the police coincidentally, in what the officials say was “part of the regular procedure”. Even without any investigation the police have called it a “death by natural causes”. However,

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Xiao Jiang Li - Another Professor Turned Out To Be Chinese Agent

Xiao Jiang Li – Emory University Professor Turned Out To Be Chinese Agent

A couple years back Chinese intelligence dismantled entire CIA network in China. This, along with the worldwide Chinese military technology grabbing Thousand Talents Program has put the western security apparatus on a back-foot. American intelligence has since stepped-up its operations with a vengeance to root-out this Chinese penetration – mainly

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German Intelligence - Xi Jinping Asked WHO To Coverup Coronavirus

German Intelligence – Xi Jinping Asked WHO To Coverup Coronavirus

According to a phone call intercepted by German Intelligence, Chinese President Xi Jinping asked WHO to coverup Coronavirus by asking the Director Dr Tedros to withhold information about a person-to-person transmission of Coronavirus and to delay a pandemic warning. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

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Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

A secret US State Department cable that saw Coronavirus crisis coming was leaked by Wikileaks providing a fleeting inside-look at Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative. While the document’s State Department senders designated the cable “SECRET/NOFORN” (no foreign nationals) and marked it for de-classification in 2019, Wikileaks made it public a decade

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Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters

Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters

Dr. Charles Lieber is a nano-scientist at Harvard University. He was recently charged by the American authorities for secretly being a Chinese agent. However, there is a mystery surrounding the nature of his work. It is said he was recruited for advanced research into nanowire-batteries. But investigation by GreatGameIndia has

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Secret American Experiments Tied To Chinese Animal Markets

Secret American Experiments Tied To Chinese Animal Markets

The United States has been one of the worst-hit countries in the wake of coronavirus pandemic. After the source of the virus was traced to the wet markets of Wuhan (China), the voices calling for a worldwide ban have grown louder. But do you know that secret experiments conducted by

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