
CIA Struggles To Rebuild Spy Network In China

The Wall Street Journal recently covered an article about the CIA struggling to rebuild spy networks in China. This week, a lengthy investigative piece titled “American spies confront a new, formidable China” appeared in The Wall Street Journal. The report outlines the challenges and setbacks facing the CIA in its

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Bankers Start Committing Suicide As China Starts Hunting

Bankers have started committing suicide as China begins to hunt down corruption in the financial system, with at least 96 cadres being investigated for corrupt practices. Numerous bank officials have either committed suicide or passed away unexpectedly, according to state media, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purify

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German Car Industry Could Be Sold To Сhina

Maksim Oreshkin, the economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that the German car industry could be sold to China and cease to be European cars. The top economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Maksim Oreshkin, told Expert magazine in an interview that was published on Tuesday that

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What Is White Lung Outbreak? Is It Real? Should You Be Worried?

Health officials in the US are working quickly to ascertain the white lung outbreak and whether we should be worried. Concerns about a possible new pandemic are being raised by reports of an unexplained respiratory ailment in China. There have already been reports of cases in several US states with

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What Is NATO Doing In Asia?

According to Russia, what NATO is doing in Asia is trying to keep China in check by expanding its presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Given that NATO bears the word “Atlantic” in its name, President Putin has wondered what possible rationale the alliance may have for helping the US in

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Chinese Plot To Steal US Chinook Helicopter

According to an indictment made public by lawmakers on Monday, the Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office stated that the Chinese plotted to steal a US Chinook helicopter through a pilot now known by his surname Hsieh. During a military exercise close to the island, prosecutors claim that a Taiwanese army

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Italy Exits China’s Silk Road Initiative

According to Bloomberg, Italy has officially exited China’s Silk Road Initiative, which, according to Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, is because BRI has not produced the desired effects. China has been formally informed by Italy’s government, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, that Italy is leaving the Belt and Road Initiative.

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