Tag: Canada

A Canadian casket maker says that the demand for child-size coffins has increased ‘dramatically’ since 2020. All casket sales have increased considerably in the previous two years, call it sorcery or the vaccine, but something has occurred that is causing an unprecedented number of deaths.
Researchers from the Universities of Toronto and Montreal in Canada have engineered a major piece of the human heart, and it beats normally.
The new Waterfront Toronto project in Toronto, dubbed Quayside 2.0, is tipped to be a bucolic retreat rather than a technological utopia, which may kill the smart city forever.
Despite evidence from places such as Sweden that have never had harsh restrictions, Canadian regions have chosen to persist in repressive and hazardous lockdowns. As a result, suicidal thoughts have almost doubled during Canada’s COVID lockdowns.
The order of 500,000 smallpox vaccines placed by Canada just weeks before the monkeypox outbreak began, despite the disease being declared eradicated in 1972, has forced many people to doubt the mainstream narrative.
For decades, researchers have speculated that life may have originated on Earth near ocean vents. But this new discovery could dramatically rewrite the history of life on Earth.
Although the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have rejected supplying instruction to members of Ukraine's fascist militias on numerous occasions, a few images have surfaced casting doubt on this prospect. This begs the question, did Canada train Ukraine neo nazis?
Yes, this happened. But I want no job from these people for what they did with the vaccine is horrendous. No doubt the inference is that I would not call out Bourla again. Of course. Of course no one would put this in writing but of course this ask about a job was to limit me. Of course if I worked for Pfizer I would be muted complete from that moment on. Its how it works in any organization, you work for them, you advance their narrative and vision and mandate. Not yours. We all know this.
After heated talks about banning Russian oil imports between US and it's allies Canada has proposed that it's oil could help the US replace the imports of Russian crude oil if the Keystone XL Pipeline is approved.
While several COVID-19 vaccinations have been distributed all around the globe, global health officials are seeking for more candidates in the hopes of expanding the global supply. The latest addition to the vaccine line is Canada's plant based COVID vaccine.