
The 2024 Presidential Election Could Make Or Break Bitcoin

Who wins the 2024 Presidential Election could make or break Bitcoin, as baby boomers are openly hostile towards Bitcoin. The race for the 2024 U.S. presidential election is starting to kick into gear, featuring some of the same cast of characters from the last few elections. On the Democratic side,

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Who Benefits From The New York Times’ Attacks On Bitcoin?

Carlos Slim Helú, a Mexican business magnate who provided the newspaper with a $250 million loan in 2009 and currently owns roughly 8% of it, is one of the people who may benefit from The New York Times’ attacks on Bitcoin. Does one of the largest individual shareholders of The New

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You Can Now Live In This Swiss City Solely On Bitcoin

You Can Now Live In This Swiss City Solely On Bitcoin

As the use of bitcoin grows, more and more locations are vying to attract bitcoin businesses and individuals. One such place is Lugano, Switzerland, which has adopted bitcoin as a de facto legal tender and offers a wide range of merchants that accept the cryptocurrency. You can now live in

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