Bill Gates

What Is Bill Gates Up To?

Concerns surrounding Bill Gates’ involvement in HPV vaccine trials, marred by serious irregularities and fatalities, raise questions about ethical conduct. What is Bill Gates up to with vaccine-related deaths underreported and press freedom restricted? After reading the 72nd report by the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on alleged irregularities in

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Bill Gates-Funded AI Chatbots Promoted COVID Vaccines

The Nature study has evaluated the effectiveness of Bill Gates-funded AI chatbots in promoting COVID vaccines, and it concluded that the chatbots were effective. A Nature article published two days ago might make you go hmmmmm: To increase lagging vaccination rates, scientists developed specialized AI actors to talk to people online to convince

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Bill Gates Enters The Food Business

Bill Gates has entered the food business as the Organic Consumers Association (OGA) reports that the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) has given Apeel’s Organipeel the green light. The global elite, imperiously ecstatic about their oppressive reign over humanity during the COVID-19 pandemic, will not leave the world stage quietly.

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Bill Gates Plots To Control Nuclear Energy

Bill Gates, through his company TerraPower, plots to control nuclear energy by opening the Natrium plant in Wyoming in 2030. For the past 15 years, Bill Gates has been working on a project to open the most advanced nuclear facility in the world in Kemmerer, Wyoming. According to Gates, nuclear power is

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Bill Gates Young Russian Lover Linked To Spy Anna Chapman

The Russian bridge player Mila Antonova, alleged young Russian lover of Bill Gates, is linked to Anna Chapman, a notorious Moscow spy. Two young women stride along a New York street, barely breaking step to flash smiles at the camera. One of them is slightly out of focus, but her

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