
Did Scientists Accidentally Invent An Anti-Addiction Drug?

Scientists accidentally invent an anti-addiction drug. Christian Hendershot, a psychiatrist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, said that Semaglutide and its chemical relatives seem to work, at least in animals, against an unusually broad array of addictive drugs. All her life, Victoria Rutledge thought

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Now Get Ready For New Behavioral Vaccines

Now Get Ready For New Behavioral Vaccines

If anti-addiction vaccines are successful, a new problem may arise. The reality that this huge social epidemic could become a significant source of revenue for some of the same businesses is ethically wrong. But now the grim reality is that you have to get ready for new behavioral vaccines.

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Mind Control Through Television Series Part I

How Multinational Corporations for their vested interests hypnotize you and your children through psychological warfare right at your home Every morning and evening, millions of unsuspecting parents allow their children to witness gunfights, violent chase, murder, beatings and other forms of violence. What is the reason so many parents subject

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