According to satellite images, the Chinese troops have commenced the expansion of its airbase, 200 km from Pangong Lake, in Ladakh. The images, also showing Ngari Gunsa airport in Tibet, originated from open-source intelligence expert @defresfa_, an analyst with ShadowBreak Intl.
Satellite Images Show Expanding Chinese Airbase Near Ladakh
The images suggests a significant and rapid Chinese military build-up in the past months along the contested border region amid what Indian media has widely reported since this weekend to be PLA forces digging into fortified positions.
Importantly, the strategic base is a mere 200km away from Pangong lake, where recent skirmishes between Chinese and Indian border patrols took place on May 5th-6th.
Satellite images of Ngari Gunsa Airbase near Ladakh
One of the satellite images is dated way ba...