A post by the state-owned Russian news agency RIA Novosti on its telegram channel shows the Russian robot dog with an RPG strapped to its back, displayed at a Russian arms show.
The logical next step in the robot arms race was unveiled this week at a Russian arms show by a developer: a Boston Dynamics-style dog robot with an RPG attached to its back.
A video of the robot in operation, in which the robot tiptoes around before laying down on the ground with its RPG pointing forward, was released by the state-owned Russian news agency RIA Novosti. The robot itself is clad in a black suit resembling a ninja's, with peeking eyes that appear to be cameras.
Video of the M-81 robot-dog armed with an RPG-26 at the Army 2022 defense expo. https://t.co/rUnwoCMoyS pic.twitter.com/BEDjnwstN0
"This is a sample of the M-81 robotic system, capable of conducting aimed shooting and transporting weapons, and for civilian purposes it can be used in the emergency zone for reconnaissance, passage through rubble and delivery of me...