A new report from NBC news has generated a lot of discussion about the relationship between the military and American society. Especially from right-leaning commentators, much of the blame is placed on the current administration and the apparent increase of “woke” cultural initiatives and vaccine mandates. Prominent right wing personality and veteran BowTiedRanger lists three reasons:
The 3 main reasons people aren’t joining the military:
1. People don’t want to die for the regime’s neoliberal agenda
2. The military is woke now & no longer exemplifies peak masculine culture
3. 💉 mandates exposed how little the regime actually cares about its servicemembers
Popular gun Youtuber Iraqveteran8888 points out that people (presumably he means the rightwing where most military recruits originate) have lost faith in our institutions, largely due to the implementation of what he describes as “woke” policies:
Military recruitment being down tells you that not only is the woke culture a losing battle, but people have absolutely zero trust in our institutions and the administrative state. They have zero faith in our leaders. They don't want to fight and potentially die for the woke.
I think that both of these points are largely correct, but I don’t think that politics alone could possibly explain in full the complex and highly perso...