According to TASS, Lavrov said that he received reports from anonymous officials stating that the Pentagon is threatening to assassinate Putin.
Tuesday, Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, criticized what he claimed were US threats to assassinate President Vladimir Putin, allegedly in response to a number of reports from anonymous sources.
"There are some 'anonymous officials' from the Pentagon who have actually enunciated threats to deliver a 'decapitating strike' on the Kremlin, which is in fact an assassination threat against the Russian president," Lavrov said, according to TASS.
"If someone really has such ideas, then this someone should think long and hard about the possible consequences of such plans," the top Russian diplomat warned.
Additionally, the censure came less than a week after Senator Lindsey Graham demanded that the Russian president be "taken out" in order to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine.
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