Search Results for: hillary – Page 6

Shadow Iowa Caucus 2020

SHADOW – The Startup Behind Iowa Caucus Meltdown

SHADOW – a mobile app that was created to manage voter data so Democrats could close the digital gap with President Trump has instead sown chaos during the Iowa caucuses. Organizers of the local meetings were supposed to use the app created by startup Shadow to report results from Iowa’s unusual voting

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Indian Government hires Cornerstone Group to lobby Democrats

India Hires Cornerstone Group To Lobby Democrats

Indian Government has hired Cornerstone Government Affairs to represent itself and lobby Democrats on her behalf in Washington. Cornerstone Group will provide “strategic counsel, tactical planning and government relations assistance on policy matters before the U.S. Government, the U.S. Congress, and select state governments, as well as academic institutions and

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Is Malala Yousafzai A CIA Project

Is Malala Yousafzai A CIA Project?

The attack on Malala Yousafzai evoked worldwide condemnation. From US President Barack Obama to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, all condemned the attack. The question is: why is Malala given so much prominence when other attacks on girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan go virtually unnoticed? Was Malala used for a

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Indian Army

Indian Army: A Fate Worse Than Death – S14

Are you aware that one of the key dimensions of the Strategic Defense Initiative required the reduction and degradation of Indian Army from a formidable and feared fighting force, capable of protecting the country from any threat, into a degenerate, fourth-grade and politicized institution? DO WE or DO WE NOT

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Spokesperson Of Our Nationalist Party Or Good Boy Of England? S01

The spokesperson of our ruling party, the BJP, had recently given a speech on Foreign Policy in a prestigious University-College in Pune, which is considered to be a premier educational city in India. The spokesperson was also the Nationalist Party’s national General Secretary, and who was also an RSS Rashtriya

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French Election Hit By Information Warfare

The French Election now seems to look more like Marine Le Pen vs a collapsing French establishment. Already, four established candidates for the presidency — two former presidents and two former prime ministers — have after being hit by Hillary-like scandal backed out or been rejected by the voters. Former

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Blacklisted British Firm De La Rue With Pakistani Links Given 10 Acre Land In India To Print Currency

Two months ago GreatGameIndia published a story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers (हिन्दी में पढ़ें: विमुद्रीकरण: भारतीय मुद्रा छापनेवालों की रहस्यमयी दुनिया) providing an insight into the foreign firms printing currency notes for India. The story kicked off into a national controversy prompting the press conference by Dilip Pandey, former

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India’s War On Cash Or Global Economic Warfare?

Read the original GreatGameIndia story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers published on 13th Nov 2016 that led to the press conference by Dilip Pandey exposing the role of blacklisted British company with Pakistani links #DeLaRue in printing of new Indian currency notes. It is not everyday that you

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