The wife of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, also Asia's richest businessman; Nita Ambani, has been elected to the board of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met), New York for her commitment to preserve and promote India’s art and culture. The Met however, is known to be involved in smuggling of Indian antiques and has a long history of allegations and lawsuits about its status as an institutional buyer of looted and stolen antiquities. This is in stark contrast to the objective of 'promoting India's art and culture' with which Nita Ambani has been elected to The Met's board, specifically at a time when the Ambani's themselves are being investigated for money laundering.
Nita Ambani, The Met and Smuggling of Indian Antiques
Welcoming Nita Ambani to the board, Chairman Daniel Brodsky, in a statement, said that her commitment to The Met and to preserving and promoting India’s art and culture is truly excep...