Naaptol was ordered to pay Rs.10 lakh for "misleading" claims being made and Sensodyne failed to disclose a research to back up its contentions. As a blow to both these businesses, the government told private TV channels to stop airing misleading Naaptol & Sensodyne ads.
The Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) has ordered that all private television channels in India halt televising "misleading" adverts by Naaptol Shopping Online Pvt Ltd and GlaxoSmithKline-owned toothpaste label Sensodyne.
In doing just that, the ministry has decided to seek conformance with a February order issued by the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) requiring Naaptol — which operates teleshopping and online purchasing portals — and Sensodyne to stop running advertisements that spread false assertions about their product lines.
In a notice released on Tuesday, the I&B ministry stated that “non-compliance with CCPA orders is a violation… of the Advertising Code...