The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October. Rae Chornenky resigned Tuesday night, one week after Election Day, according to multiple sources in the Republican Party.
Maricopa County Chair Rae Chornenky Resigns For Not Attending Voting Machine Test
Chornenky's decision came just hours after a state legislator posted to Twitter saying Chornenky did not attend Maricopa County's Logic and Accuracy Test on October 6.
The Logic and Accuracy Test is a public event to demonstrate how voting machines worked and to verified they properly counted the ballots. Members of the Secretary of State's Office as wells as representatives of political parties are invited to attend.
After the test, they sign a certificate confirming the test was successful. Maricopa County's Democratic Chairman signed the certificate, but members of the Republican and Libertarian parties did not attend ...