According to an open letter signed by parents, children in China are being diagnosed with diabetes after getting Chinese COVID-19 vaccines. The majority of them are tied to Sinopharm and Sinovac, two of China's top COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.
When he saw other children snacking, the 5-year-old kindergartner's eyes filled up with tears. Snacking has been a luxury for the boy since he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in late January. He was diagnosed o ne and a half months after receiving his second dose of a Chinese COVID-19 vaccine.
According to his father, the constant finger pricking required to monitor his blood sugar level has left puncture marks on every finger of both of the boy's hands. Every day, he takes four doses of insulin, and each meal is weighed and measured for carbs.
According to an open letter signed by parents in this cohort, the boy is one of 600 to 1,000 Chinese children who were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes between October and May ...