Our Moon Is Shrinking And Could Be A Problem

Our Moon Is Shrinking And Could Be A Problem 1

A recent study published in the Planetary Science Journal suggests that “moonquakes” may have an effect in the vicinity of the lunar south pole, causing our Moon to shrink, which could be a problem. The study draws attention to a restless Moon that may be causing “moonquakes” that could endanger upcoming explorations – some of […]

China’s First AI Commercial Satellite In The World: What Do We Know About It?

China's First AI Commercial Satellite In The World: What Do We Know About It? 1

China’s first AI commercial satellite in the world, Xingshidai-18, was launched off the coast of Guangdong province on February 3. This week, Beijing successfully launched multiple satellites into Earth’s orbit through a series of space missions. On February 3, a Smart Dragon 3 carrier rocket took off from a launchpad off the coast of Guangdong […]

Saturn’s Iconic Rings Will Disappear Soon

Astronomers predict that by 2025, Saturn’s Iconic Rings will disappear and will not be visible from Earth due to a tilt in Saturn’s angle. The planet’s rings will disappear in March 2025, therefore those amateur astronomers who would like to witness them should seize the chance as soon as possible. Saturn is the planet in […]

Who Owns The Most Satellites?

Using data from the Union of Concerned Scientists, the article below reveals who owns the most satellites. The Earth is orbited by about 7,000 satellites that provide critical tasks including communication, navigation, and scientific research. More than 150 launches of new instruments into space were made in 2022 alone, and many more are anticipated during […]

NASA Destroyed Life On Mars 50 Years Ago, Claims German Scientist

According to a German scientist, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, NASA destroyed life on Mars 50 years ago when it dispatched two Viking landers to Mars. According to a New Scientist investigation, a NASA mission over 40 years ago may have accidentally destroyed what would have been the first discovery of organic molecules on Mars. NASA recently caused […]

The Clouds On Neptune Have Suddenly Vanished

The Clouds On Neptune Have Suddenly Vanished

Clouds on Neptune have almost disappeared, a rare event in the past thirty years of observations. Pictures taken from 1994 to 2022, both from Maunakea on Hawaiʻi Island through the W. M. Keck Observatory and NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, show that only the south pole retains some clouds. The findings, shared in the Icarus journal, […]

UFO Hearing – What A Whistleblower Told Congress

ufo hearing

Amid soaring national interest in UFOs, House lawmakers conducted an uncommon hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, focusing on the US government’s knowledge and management of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). This marked the second hearing of its kind in decades, with the previous one happening a half-century ago. NewsNation correspondent Joe Khalil noted the unprecedented […]

China Tests Hypersonic Space Plane Which Can Go At Speed Of Mach 30

china hypersonic space plane

The Chinese government has recently made public a video showcasing what they claim to be the world’s most potent wind tunnel. This footage displays a scale separation test of an air-launched space plane design from a mothership aircraft. Additionally, the video features the high-speed oblique detonation wave engine, also known as a scramjet, which powers […]

NASA Recovers 98% Water From Urine And Sweat To Help In Long Space Missions

NASA has announced that astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) recover 98% of water from urine and sweat using the subsystems that are part of the Environment Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS). In a major breakthrough, astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) have attained a 98% water restoration rate using […]