Category: Science & Society

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

Two-and-a-half years after the completion of a new $17 million terminal building, the airport in Jaisalmer, a small and remote desert city in Rajasthan, stands empty. As reported not a single passenger has passed through the gates of an airport big enough to handle more than 300,000 travellers a year,

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Agricultural Terrorism – An Overview

From the beginning of civilisations rivers and agri(culture) were the most important things for mankind in defining their social life and spiritual progress. The reductionist science never understood this for a long time but efforts are made from the beginning of scientific enquiry to give a holistic look towards scientific

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Energy Geopolitics – An Overview

Global oil prices have fallen sharply over the past seven months, leading to significant revenue shortfalls in many energy exporting nations however it has been seen as an opportunity for energy importing countries. From 2010 until mid-2014, world oil prices had been fairly stable, at around $110 a barrel. But

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History of India

What Is The History of India And Indians?

What is the actual history of India and Indians? Are we really superstitious in our traditions?  Have our customs, habits, traditions stemmed from the ignorance of barbarians?  Are our ideals, values, thoughts, ideas retrograde? Is the faith and convictions of our ancestors in the upright moral and ethical culture noteworthy

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