Category: Science & Society

Germany's Secret Pedophilia Experiments

Germany’s Secret Pedophilia Experiments

A sickening and bizarre sexual experiment was carried out by German government officials and a pedophile scientist that deliberately placed troubled children in the care of pedophiles to see if it had “positive consequences.” Victims from this utterly horrifying practice have filed a lawsuit exposing the grotesque details of this

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How American fuel is choking India

How American Fuel Is Choking India

U.S. oil refineries that are unable to sell a dirty fuel waste product at home are exporting vast quantities of it to India instead. In 2016, the U.S. sent more than 8 million metric tons of dirty petcoke to India. That’s about 20 times more than in 2010, and enough

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thousand talents plan - how china stole american technology

Thousand Talents Plan – How China Stole American Technology

The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal American technology. EXPLOSIVE: Canadian Scientist Frank Plummer Key to Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated Breaking: India launch

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Mathematics In Ancient India & How It Reached Europe

The story of Mathematics in Ancient India and how it reached Europe laying the foundations of modern mathematics enlightening the entire world in what is known as the ‘world event’. [toc] Foundations of Modern Mathematics Highly intellectual and given to abstract thinking as they were, one would expect the ancient

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Why Zero so confused Europeans

Why Zero So Confused Europeans

Contrary to the belief that mathematics is universal, Indian arithmetic had a distinctive philosophy which is best understood in a historical perspective. Two plus two is not always four: why zero so confused Europeans. From the time of the Yajurveda, the Indian system of numeration utilised the place value system,

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How Pollution In Europe Is Creating Ghost Towns In India

Pollution in Europe has contributed to one of the worst droughts in India which has destroyed the lives of more than 130 million people, according to a new study. Researchers believe manufactured aerosols are to blame for the weakening of monsoon winds and rain in India over the past few

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Global Forces Behind Cow Slaughter In India Explained

Below is an excerpt from our exclusive research on Energy Crisis: India’s dependence on Oil and a Solution for a Sustainable Future published as a two-part series in GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations. Though initially cow slaughter was performed to irritate majority section of

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Whom Is The Indian Administration Designed To Protect?

Recently a widow of the freedom fighter who fought in Subhash Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army lost a legal battle to get back their own money her husband had deposited in Shanghai. The Delhi High Court said that the government cannot raise a dispute with another country on private claims.

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