
How Russia Will Respond To American Weapons In Germany 1

How Russia Will Respond To American Weapons In Germany

Germany may host US long-range missiles by 2026, sparking fears of a new arms race with Russia, which threatens to deploy its own nuclear missiles in response. As tensions escalate, Germany’s Alternative for Germany party is pushing for urgent discussions, while experts warn of a potential European crisis reminiscent of

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Inside Iran's Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy 1

Inside Iran’s Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy

In a controversial prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran, a convicted Iranian torturer Hamid Noury was traded for two Swedish citizens. Noury had committed severe human rights abuses, yet Iran secured his return in exchange for releasing the Swedes falsely accused of espionage and other charges. This exchange highlights Iran’s

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Ukraine’s 79th Brigade Jokingly Takes Credit For Trump Shooting 1

Ukraine’s 79th Brigade Jokingly Takes Credit For Trump Shooting

A Ukrainian military unit celebrated the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, hinting at their involvement in a satirical manner. This reaction adds a provocative twist to the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia. The post even joked about Ukrainian intelligence’s progress, drawing a dark parallel to previous

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Syrian Oil Mogul Assassinated In Israeli Drone Strike 1

Syrian Oil Mogul Assassinated In Israeli Drone Strike

A prominent Syrian businessman close to President Bashar al-Assad, Baraa Katerji, was killed by an Israeli drone strike near the Syrian-Lebanese border. Katerji, who managed a vast empire dealing in oil and logistics, was targeted likely due to his role in facilitating Iranian oil shipments into Syria, which are under

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We're No One's Proxy - Serbia Tells NATO 1

We’re No One’s Proxy – Serbia Tells NATO

Former US and NATO general Wesley Clark recently accused Serbia of being a puppet for Russia and said President Vucic wanted to expand Serbia’s borders. President Vucic fired back: “To Mr. Clark and everyone else, it’s obvious Serbia isn’t anyone’s puppet—not Russia’s, not America’s, and never will be.” Vucic also

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