Category: Intelligence & Espionage

India Dragged Into NATO’s Ballistic Missile Shield Controversy

In 1999 and 2001, the US National Intelligence Council stated that Iran could develop an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015. In recent years, U.S. government agencies have affirmed those estimates, arguing that “Iran could have long-range missiles capable of reaching to U.S. and

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Quarterly Geopolitical Analysis Jan-Mar 2016

In the last two months two seemingly innocent and unnoticed events happened within the borders of the subcontinent with far reaching political and geopolitical implications. The first of the two events was the acceptance for first time by the Prime Minister of India regarding the Russian captivity of Subhash Chandra

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US Israel Spy War For Iran Deal & Lessons For India

During the same time of the Edward Snowden revelations of the NSA spying dragnet; behind the scenes a secret intelligence war was being waged between the spies of US and Israel. US was pursuing Iran deal at the time and the White House officials believed the intercepted information could be

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Russia Offers India A Chance To Replace Turkey

The shooting down of a Russian aircraft by Turkish F-16 fighter jets on Nov. 24 raised the specter of a full-fledged Cold War, since the unprovoked attack was undertaken by a NATO member state. Although it may not lead to direct confrontation, the overtures have already begun to show in

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Five Eyes aka Project Echelon

Digital India In The Age Of Information Warfare

Introduction Infrastructure in general refers to a set of interconnected structural elements which provide services and facilities necessary for the development of a society or nation state. National Infrastructure is defined as ‘critical’ when it is believed that, disrupting its function would lead to significant socio-economic crisis with the potential to undermine

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MI6 ISIS Rat Line & The Threat To India

The prosecution of a Swedish national accused of terrorist activities in Syria has collapsed at the Old Bailey after it became clear Britain’s security and intelligence agencies would have been deeply embarrassed had a trial gone ahead, the Guardian reported. Bherlin Gildo was due to stand trial at London’s Old

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CIA Used Macau Casino To Trap Chinese Bureaucrats

A discreet consulting exercise in Macao, Hong Kong and Beijing by a private investigator in 2010 uncovered that US intelligence may have used Macau casinos owned by an American tycoon to set a trap for Chinese functionaries who gamble with public money, in order to blackmail and recruit them. This

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