Category: Intelligence & Espionage

Xiao Jiang Li - Another Professor Turned Out To Be Chinese Agent

Xiao Jiang Li – Emory University Professor Turned Out To Be Chinese Agent

A couple years back Chinese intelligence dismantled entire CIA network in China. This, along with the worldwide Chinese military technology grabbing Thousand Talents Program has put the western security apparatus on a back-foot. American intelligence has since stepped-up its operations with a vengeance to root-out this Chinese penetration – mainly

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FBI SPY Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fucking Kicked Out Of USA

FBI SPY: Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fu**ing Kicked Out Of USA

According to a secret transcript that was just declassified, one of the spies the FBI deployed against George Papadopoulos said that Israelis and U.S. Jews are “all f—ing spies,” referred to them as “f—ing c—suckers,” and said they should all be executed. The declassified transcript published on Tuesday revealed a

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The Failed Plot to Overthrow Venezuela

The Secret Plot To Overthrow Venezuela

Venezuelan intelligence has crushed a secret plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro funded by US billionaires and organised by the former security chief of British billionaire Richard Branson, an ex-Green Beret running the private security firm Silvercorp USA, in Florida. The ringleader, retired Venezuelan General Cliver Alcalá, is now jailed

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Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters

Chinese Agent Charles Lieber & His Virus Transmitters

Dr. Charles Lieber is a nano-scientist at Harvard University. He was recently charged by the American authorities for secretly being a Chinese agent. However, there is a mystery surrounding the nature of his work. It is said he was recruited for advanced research into nanowire-batteries. But investigation by GreatGameIndia has

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Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Secret services and militaries have become involved in operations related to the coronavirus pandemic as masks and other essential products become issues of national security amid the rapidly worsening outbreak. Sources have informed GreatGameIndia that a worldwide intelligence war is being waged for Coronavirus related medical supplies. The media has

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How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

Declassified documents reveal how British Intelligence use Islam to wage War and how the UK propaganda unit used Friday sermons, newspapers and novels to spread anti-Communist messages across Middle East. Exclusive: Coronavirus Bioweapon – Our controversial report on how Coronavirus was Weaponized  [toc] Use Islam to wage War A British government propaganda

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Anming Hu – Chinese Spy Caught At University Of Tennessee

In yet another case of espionage, Anming Hu, a Chinese spy has been caught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). Anming Hu, 51, an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at UTK, is charged with three counts of wire fraud and three counts of

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Did Mossad secretly Fund Hamas

Did Mossad Secretly Fund Hamas

On Saturday, Israeli media reported that Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi, head of the Israel Defence Force’s Southern Command, traveled to Doha to ask Qatar to continue funding Hamas, the Palestinian militant and political group which Tel Aviv formally classifies as a terrorist group. The revelation

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What is the Deep State

What Is The Deep State

A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel

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