How The FBI Hacked Twitter

How The FBI Hacked Twitter

Twitter has been accused of collaborating with the FBI to censor users and spy on those who posed a threat to the Biden campaign. Court documents show that the social media company worked with the DOJ to intercept the communications of certain users and provided the FBI with access to personal data and behavior of its users. This is how the FBI hacked twitter.

How TikTok Spied On Forbes Journalists

How TikTok Spied On Forbes Journalists

According to Forbes’ initial report from October, ByteDance has admitted that it used TikTok to track the physical locations of journalists using their IP addresses. This is how TikTok spied on Forbes journalists.

How CIA Plotted Peru Coup

How CIA plotted Peru Coup

According to reports, Castillo’s final phone call before leaving the presidential mansion came from the US Embassy. This is how the CIA plotted the Peru coup.