Rahat Rao, a Pakistani-born businessman in Canada, was brutally attacked and set on fire at his currency exchange office in Surrey, British Columbia. The attack comes amidst tense political relations between Canada and India following the controversial murder of a Sikh separatist in 2023, which some suspect was orchestrated by Pakistan's ISI. The motive behind the violent assault on Rao remains unclear, but there are suggestions that it could be linked to a larger web of international espionage and business rivalries involving the ISI and other shadowy figures. As the investigation unfolds, the attack raises questions about the deep-seated geopolitical conflicts playing out on Canadian soil.
In Canada, a serious incident involving a member of Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has occurred. Rahat Rao, who runs a currency exchange business in Surrey, British Columbia, was attacked by an unknown individual.
Here's what we know: On Friday, someone wal...